Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Today was the day.
I packed up my car full of clothes, books, shoes, picture frames, mirrors, and memories.
Played "tug-of-war" with some items, but managed to fit them all in.
Reved the engine & drove.
Drove away from 4 years of memories.

.Cold Winter mornings on campus.
.Hot summer afternoons at Rigby Lake.
.Riding bikes.

.Slipping on icy walkways wishing to be home in California.

.Making so many new friends.
.Watching friends leave and return from missions.
.Watching friends get married and start families.
.Laughing until I cried.
.Late night chats with all my favorite girls.
.Feeling EVERY emotion in 1 day.
.Smiling even though you failed.

.Living on my own & experiencing independence.

.Remembering all the dates with countless boys.

.Remembering the jerks who brought me closer to my Mom & girlfriends.

.Meeting the love of my life.
Every year, I knew I would come back.
Not this time.
Now, I find myself driving away from Rexburg and memories to not return in a few short months. This time, I will leave and go to a new city.
A new place to call "home".
A place to settle down and start over.
A place to make new


Unknown said...

#1 SHAYNE! I LOVE him, he is ALWAYS here cuz of Alex. I just showed him he was famous on a blog. hahaha. he died. literally tho!
#2 You left tonight after I saw you??!


Alyse and Bob said...

Loved this post!!! I can't believe that you are about to do your student teaching! Good luck! I am so excited for your life in AZ and hope you update tons!

Precia said...

Oh no are we too late to use your baby sitting expertise? Where are you at now?

Your blog entry makes ME sad for college again, and I still live in the same town!

Nancy Smith... said...

What a heartfelt, lovely post. You're all grown up Becca...I remember those fun high school seminary mornings...time has passed quickly. I am so proud of you! Congratulations!

Danielle said...

I left that same place 18 years ago and still have all those great memories to look back on! I love that you put it into words. May the future hold wonderful things for you!